Create Triage and Priority Guidelines

When creating a social mia crisis management plan. Make sure to have an up. emergency contact list. Record the names. Positions and contact info of everyone who nes to be in the loop about your social mia content during a crisis. Include legal advisors and executive decision. Makers as well as your social team. Go through this list regularly to ensure all contact information is correct.
Check that everyone has the appropriate permissions for your social accounts. Using a social mia management tool like hootsuite allows you to change permissions and access quickly. This means you can easily align roles to your emergency chain of content approval. Things move fast in the first hours of a crisis.

Develop an Internal Crisis Communications Plan

Emergency contact numbers. Or shelter locations. Also create guidelines for identifying the scope of the crisis is it global or local. Does it affect your operations. Does it affect your customers. And to what extent? Finally. Create guidelines for prioritizing inbound messages during a crisis. Prepare templates or partly develop emergency resources in advance. This leaves you in a good position to respond to b2b leads simple questions through an intelligent chatbot or autoresponder. Your team can focus on addressing more complex nes. Bonus. Download a free bundle of social mia tools design specifically for government including post ideas and templates for social mia policies. Strategies. Reports. And crisis communications.

Specify Posting Platforms and Schedules

When something awful or unexpected occurs. Where will you respond and when? Make a list of all your relevant social mia platforms. Include how quickly you expect to post to each surface in the event of a global or community emergency. Also think about how often you should post. Consider the different audiences you reach on each channel.

How can you best target your information to make sure you b2b leads get the right details to the right people? For example. Say there’s a health crisis disproportionately affecting people under . You might want to focus on your tiktok response. If an economic crisis creat mass layoffs. Linkin could be the better choice. Make sure to pause existing schul posts.

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