The Internet serves different needs for different groups

In the Digital Life survey, we asked people how they classify their internet activities in terms of the needs that these activities fulfil for them. This is where it gets really interesting. Ultimately, the internet is a tool. It’s about what you do with it and how you feel about it. In the Netherlands, for example, it turns out that the 11 most important online activities fall almost entirely into the needs of social entertainment and personal management . In short: the internet is our chat box and agenda. If we compare this with how Egyptians deal with the internet, we see that personal empowerment and social  hungary phone number list connection are the most important needs that are fulfilled. Or, to put it another way: Egyptians see the internet as their coach and tea house.


What will the fulfillment of needs

A of the internet look like in the future? What activities that we do not know now, or that we simply cannot imagine, will be added? What does that mean for the intensity of the use of the internet and what will the relationship between the 6 Digital Lifestyles look like?

Digital Life 2
We will repeat the Digital Life research annually, precisely because we want to be on top of new activities  updating your theme to colors red and what they will do with the needs of internet users. In this way we can help our customers with their presence on the internet and how to shape it best.

In October 2010

TNS published the results of Digital Life, the most extensive study   . The Internet serves  of online behavior atb directory ever conducted. TNS NIPO (part of TNS) was responsible for the Dutch part of the research. This piece is the last in a series of 7 articles about the results of Digital Life. Click here for the previous articles on the Digital Life series .

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