Success Story: discover how Huggy contributed to the digital transformation

Success Story

RBT Internet offers the best possible experience to its customers.

Have you ever imagined if your customer could open a request without having to speak to a customer service representative? What if, in response, your system automatically asked for the customer’s CPF/CNPJ and redirected them to support, which would retrieve their entire history? In addition, it is possible to automate some actions, such as sending an automatic message to every customer in a certain city or neighborhood who is experiencing instability in their access and who gets in touch to receive this automatic message informing them about the incident and providing a possible forecast, providing a quick and efficient response for the end customer.

Meet RBT Internet

RBT Internet was in 2012, in Santa Maria do Herval – RS. Specializing in the sale of broadband internet for residential telegram data and corporate customers. It has itself as one of the five fastest providers in Rio Grande do Sul . In addition, the company has also been , for three consecutive years, the best provider in the Hortênsias Region – which includes Gramado, Canela, Dois Irmãos, Ivoti and Nova Petrópolis –, and is also present in Esteio and Santa Maria do Herval.

The challenges of digital transformation for Internet Service Providers

The main motivation for seeking a digital customer service solution was the use of WhatsApp . Everything was done manually, in addition to the service, which differences in each customer service channel, since they were not .

Customers increasingly expect agility in what it is and what it consists of resolving their needs, wherever they are and whenever they want to speak to the company. If a customer makes their first contact through a specific channel, it can be difficult to continue the process using other communication channels . This leads to repeated registrations, low productivity, lack of feedback, insights and points for improvement in the service or product offered, among other problems that delay solutions for the end customer.

Learn how to start Digital Service in the Telecommunications sector

RBT searched for solutions on the internet and found Huggy. After testing other software In 2018 the provider opted for the Huggy platform and one of the differences that most influenced the decision was the platform’s features b2c phone list and intuitive interface : “There are very good software, but they are very difficult to operate. Huggy has a very interesting positive point in this regard: it is succinct, does not have a very cluttered screen and is intuitive” , says Filipe Matos. The company’s Operations Director.

Customer support coordinator Henrique Kaefer highlights the ease of managing support through the platform : “We need to ensure good customer service, so for me. It is working very well .

Complete solution for Internet Service Providers

With Huggy, RBT has exceeded expectations. Generating tangible value for the consumer. It has expanded and centralized its service channels in a single environment. All calls are sent to the Huggy platform. Which distributes them among the agents. Making it possible to manage a large number of contacts and provide the necessary information. Optimizing service and avoiding long waiting lines .


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