what it is and what it consists of

Searching for templates created by other users is also very easy. Plus, it’s a way to get endless possibilities when creating content for a video marketing campaign .

The first thing you need to do is click on the Reels icon on the bottom bar to access the suggested videos. The next step is to scroll up to see the different Reels until you find the one that has a template that you find attractive and interesting.

The only thing you need to keep in mind is that not all videos are created with a template, so you can only use those that have the Use template option at the bottom left. If you click on that option you will be able to see the elements that are part of that Reel and the duration of each one of them so you can replace it with your own content.

Examples of templates for your Reels

Now that you know how to use, search for, and create Instagram Reels templates from scratch, here are some examples that you can use in your next posts.
We also encourage you to create your asia mobile number list own templates for other users to use and reach more people.


Video summary

This template is great for summarizing a trip or a different day at the office by selecting the best videos. In total, the reel is made up of nine short videos accompanied by very pleasant music that goes great with any theme and transmits good vibes.


Calm and relax

This option is very interesting for those companies that want to convey peace and tranquility. A total of seven short videos can be uploaded what it consists of and, for example, you can use it to show the public how your products look in reduce manual efforts different environments.


Fun and relaxed

Unlike the previous examples, this reel template is much more informal and can add a fun touch to your communication strategy. In these and the rest, instead of using videos, you can opt for images, but we recommend that you it email list use the same content format as the template so that it looks just as good.

In this case, this template is ideal for showing processes and your brand can choose to show how to use your products.

Unlike the previous ones, this template is much more versatile for showing a sequence of photographs or, as seen in the example, very short videos in which something changes in each one.

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