Level of various allowances etc

Availability of food and drink

More and more companies are installing water servers and drink bars in their company break rooms and cafe spaces. This is effective in creating a comfortable working environment, as employees can easily have a drink at any time.

Some companies also offer healthy, affordable, and nutritionally balanced menus in their employee cafeterias. This can be seen as! a benefit that not only reduces the burden on employees’ food expenses!but also takes into consideration the health of employees.

Will there be any gifts of appreciation in lieu of comfort events?

In the past, recreational trips and appreciation parties were common. In recent years! there has been a tendency to avoid unnecessary work-related social interactions!and in addition! due to the pandemic! such opportunities have become fewer.

Therefore, instead of brazil phone number library  holding recreational events, more and more companies are giving gifts to express appreciation and gratitude to employees. Gifts are also called “welfare gifts” and are useful for building trust between companies and employees.

In today’s world where job changes are no longer uncommon, expressing gratitude in a tangible way and increasing employee engagement is also an effective way to avoid the risk of losing talent.

Employees will be pleased if the company offers generous benefits such as “perfect attendance allowances,” “family allowances,” and “housing allowances.” The provision of “company housing” is also a great way to support employees’ livelihood.

Recently, there have also been efforts to provide “rent subsidies” to employees who live within a certain distance of the company, in order to relieve the stress that employees feel from the daily rush hour commute.

Completeness of employee training and qualification support systems

Employees are pleased  a data-backed deep dive not only with work-related training, but also with systems that subsidize training for personal skill development and support for obtaining qualifications.

Skill-up training will increase  email leads database the value of each employee and at the same time raise the overall value of the company. Support for qualification acquisition is also a welcome employee benefit for proactive employees.

Another important point is whether or not training can be taken during working hours. Naturally, training that all employees take part in will be taken during working hours, but a company that allows employees to take training to improve their personal skills during working hours will be more highly rated.

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