A headless commerce platform based on microservices can provide the framework for a business to rapidly innovate its UX through introducing new channels and ways of engaging the end customer quickly and at relatively low cost!”notes Albohayre.
And those UX issues continue to plague various regions of an ecommerce channel! such as checkout. “Despite 58% of sites having a ‘good’ or ‘acceptable’ checkout experience! our benchmark also reveals that the average site has 32 preventable usability issues in their checkout flow.”
Essentially! simply installing checkout into an online overseas chinese in australia data channel isn’t going to meet customer expectations. Crafting strong architectural design! coupled with strategy workshops! can instill confidence in ecommerce brands who want to go beyond the routine with areas such as checkout.
When agencies focus on the development of customer-centric
API first! next-generation composable commerce platforms! retailers can have more flexibility in how they swap microservices in and out of their channel. Legacy models don’t offer that kind of personalization; you’re stuck with one template until you decide to upgrade to another template! with every branch of the online channel having to follow the framework of that template.
Headless models also encourage frictionless partnerships updating your theme to colors red between technology and agencies! as shown by the strong relationship between E2X and Bold.
Albohayre says! “Bold Commerce is committed to providing customers with a seamless checkout experience. E2X are committed to recommending and implementing the very best modern technology stack for customers. This meant bringing Bold Commerce into the E2X ecosystem of partners for businesses to consider was an easy decision to make.”
As for what enterprise brands need to consider
When they seek to foster a culture of innovation and personalization within their headless commerce approaches! Albohayre recommends! “Operating a headless platform requires an operational infrastructure that harnesses cloud technology and manages the integration of potentially many SaaS products. They should automate deployments and testing! and provide a service mesh! security management tools! development and test environments for a multiple application footprint where potentially you previously only had one.”
With over 20 years in the digital commerce business! E2X demonstrates the kind of thought-leadership and strategic acumen that ecommerce brands seek in valued partners. Bringing omnichannel assets to market with singapore number speed and agility! E2X accomplishes what ecommerce businesses have to internalize if they want to not just stay ahead of the pack! but remain a trailblazing leader for years to come.