What is benchmarking?

Using benchmarking is one of the first steps in creating product and service launch strategies, or even in understanding how the competition is positioned.

The literal translation of the term “benchmarking” means comparative evaluation , that is, it is the moment when analysts research the strengths and weaknesses of different companies to identify what would be relevant for the business.

What can’t be missing in benchmarking

To begin any analysis, it is necessary phone number lead to ask questions, including to find out the reason for your research, and this will be no different.
One of the techniques widely used in the market and that serves several aspects is 5W2H. Start by answering the main questions.

What? = What will be done?

What is the objective of the project? These are the first questions to start gathering information that will guide future actions.

Why? = At ​​this stage, the team needs tips to take advantage of mobile learning to identify reasons for keeping or discarding ideas with justifications for moving forward.

Who? = Who will be responsible for the project? To achieve the company’s objective, the task must be delegated to someone who is competent.

Where? = Where will the project be carried out? Online, physical, both? Will meetings between those involved, including partners, be held at the company?

When? = All deadlines for all phases must be noted so that goals are met and implemented.

How to do benchmarking?

Consider being supported by professionals who are experts in the subject, as they will be objective in finding the main information.

  1. There are several approaches to  benchmarking, such as by business segment, functional segment, cooperation segment, and even internal segment. Identify the main need and begin your analysis. Let’s focus on the business segment.
  2. Make a list of the main companies that have characteristics in common with yours, list at least 10 .
  3. When separating companies, try b2c phone list to identify what they do differently from yours, what went right and what went wrong.
  4. To be successful in this analysis, before replicating the strategies, focus on the differences of each company , do not focus on just one.
  5. After the analysis, it’s time to plan the ideas and put them into practice.

Try to repeat this cycle for at least 3 months or whenever necessary. It is important to be aware of all the movements of the competition and market trends.

How to search for important data

One of the essential steps in carrying out benchmarking is the search for assertive data, far from guesswork and based on real numbers and results . Some tools can help in this search.


Semrush is a keyword research tool where you can find the most searched terms on the internet and those that your competitors are also searching for.


The site allows you to perform a more direct analysis of your competitive market, with demonstration of competition, audience research and even market research.


In addition to analyzing the competition. SpyFu is slightly more succinct. But it can analyze the relationship between the competition and your company and bring up keywords that are being worked on.

There are still easy and basic ways to search for this information. Social networks and even Google can help you with this research.

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