What Businesses Need to Know About Advertising Labeling

Advertising labeling is a mandatory process that ensures the transparency of online advertising activities and eliminates the possibility of falsification. The essence of this process can be compared to the transition from cash to non-cash payments, where the tax service sought to whiten financial flows. 

Anton Ogoltsov, lawyer at Ingate Group

The legislation prescri besman datory labeling of all online advertising intended for the Russian audience. Within 20 days after b2b email list the advertising is placed, it is necessary to submit a corresponding report to the Unified Register of Internet  Advertising through advertising data operators. These requirements apply to both domestic and foreign companies that conduct advertising activities in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Types of marking

There are two types of marking: automatic and manual. 

When marking manually, you need to get a token (we provide instructions below), place the creative, collect information from those responsible, enter data about the creative and report. 

If we are talking about advertising in accounts, then About Advertising Labeling marking is fully automated there. But it is worth graphic design and digital project: what is the relationship? considering that each account carries out marking of its own advertising. For example, marking VK advertising in Yandex will not be very convenient.

What are we marking?

  • direct placement in advertising accounts (context, target, media, etc.)
  • social media posts from bloggers 
  • posts in publications
  • advertising in Telegram and Instagram*   
  • stories and circles in Telegram and Instagram*

*Belongs to the Meta company, which is recognized as extremist in Russia.

**Technically, of course, we have to label advertising on Instagram*, but by posting it there, we violate the law that restricts the placement of advertising materials on sites declared extremist in Russia.

“Posts and reviews by bloggers are not advertising if About Advertising Labeling the mention of a product/brand/service is an integral part of the creative work, does not focus attention on them, and is not of an advertising nature.”


What’s still in the grey area?

  • reviews, SEO links
  • some recommendation posts from bloggers (storytelling, reviews, etc.)

*in the gray zone everything europe email is ambiguous and there are few court cases. We recommend consulting a lawyer for each specific case.

What doesn’t need to be labeled (yet)?

  • search results
  • catalogs and classifieds sites
  • materials posted on the seller’s sites, presenting goods in a uniform style.

Additionally, there is no need to mark:

  • advertising your own products that you send to your customers via email, personal messages, and app push notifications;
  • advertising included in television and radio broadcasts that is displayed on the Internet unchanged from the original source;
  • social advertising, as it has its own operator.

Participants and chain of the advertising process 

The labeling process involves all participants in the advertising market: from advertisers and distributors to intermediaries, including agencies and freelancers.

The Unified Register of Internet Advertising (ERIR) is a Roskomnadzor system that takes into account all information about Internet About Advertising Labeling  – from creation to results.

Advertising data operator (ADO) is a service approve that assigns tokens to advertising, transfers data to ERIR and collects statistics on impressions.

Identifier (erid token) is a code of letters and numbers that ORD assigns to each advertising creative for tracking.

Key point: regardless of the terms of the agreement and who is responsible for transferring data to the ORD, we recommend that you personally monitor this process. 

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