When we ask ourselves what market research is and what it is us. for , we must keep in mind that the objective of a market study is to acquire a clear vision of how the characteristics of our product or service will interact with the current market.
Now, depending on the objective of the market study , there are several types of market research to use.
Which study is most suitable for your organization? This depends on several factors, such as the data we want to obtain, the resources we have available, our product and the market it belongs to.
These are the approaches and types of market research that exist:
Qualitative research: This is a type of study that aims to understand the characteristics of our consumers. That is, with qualitative techniques we can investigate the ne.s, desires and sociocultural characteristics of our target audience. Some of these techniques may include focus groups, in-depth interviews, surveys and advertising tests.
Quantitative research: This is a phone number database type of market study that offers measurements of quantities. In other words, it works with specific data and statistics.
These techniques can be us. to answer questions such as how many people are interest. in the product, how many of them buy it, etc.
In this case, these are systematic and standardiz. methods.
Continuous research: This market study is carri. out over a period of time in the same place of residence. It is us. to find mautic system configuration out which factors have chang. during the period in order to be able to make a forecast about the next market movements.
Field research: This type of study mobile list allows you to get to know your competition in depth and understand how it relates to the current market, what strategies it uses, what average prices are handl., etc.
Appli. research: This type of study serves to diagnose and detect errors in our strategies.