It was also a startup that was developing

A thorough analysis of competitors helped me build my vision and understanding of what kind of school I wanted to create. I did not pursue the goal of repeating other schools one to one, even if they were successful. On the contrary, I was eager to create something of my own. I highlighted the pros and cons of other schools in order to try out only the best on my own.

I was helped and given confidence

By the visual example of the robotics school where I was teaching at the time. before my eyes. I saw how it implemented a variety of, sometimes difficult, tasks without using large resources.

For example, this company did not invest in buying laptops and premises: it solved this issue by renting inexpensive halls with equipment. I tried to go this way, but quickly realized that I did not like this method.

I wanted to find a suitable option close to home

As I was still a mother of two america phone number list children. My husband was an innovative entrepreneur with an office in the MSU Science Park. I decided to find a computer lab there for my classes. I started to delve into the topic and learned that there were such structures as the CMIT, which purchased equipment in large quantities, but did not use it for classes. They had well-equipped premises, but they did not have teachers. I thought that this was a great option for me and contacted the CMIT at MSU. They were very enthusiastic about my initiative, and I was very happy with the opportunity. We began to cooperate and continue to this day. For the first two years, it was my main partner.

Search for employees

At first I didn’t have many the role of ai in modern email automation software employees. I worked with contractors who afb directory helped me with advertising and the website.

The team began to grow in the second year: mentors began to appear who taught courses on 3D modeling and robotics. I myself continued to teach programming. I found many employees among my friends, but I also turned to a headhunter for help.


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