The importance of descriptive file names for SEO

When it comes to image optimization, using descriptive file names is essential for SEO. Search engines rely on file names to understand the content of an image. By using relevant keywords in your file names, you can provide search engines with valuable information about your images.

For example, instead of naming an image IMG_1234.jpg, it would be more beneficial to name it web-design-services.jpg if the image is related to web design services. A descriptive file name helps search engines understand the context of the image and buy bulk sms service improves its chances of appearing in relevant search results.

Guidelines for creating SEO-friendly image file names

To make image file names SEO-friendly, consider the following guidelines:

1. Use relevant keywords . Include keywords that accurately describe the content or purpose of the image.

2. Be specific. Choose specific terms that accurately represent what is shown in the image.

3. Separate words with hyphens. Use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) to separate words lead generation on social media in a file name.

4. Keep it concise. Aim for short but descriptive file names that capture the essence of the image.

Following these guidelines can help you optimize your image file names for better visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The importance of ALT text for search engines and accessibility

ALT text (alternative text) serves as a text description when users are unable to view or access an image for various reasons, such as slow internet connections or visual impairments. ALT text is also important for search engines to understand the content of the image.

When creating ALT text, it is important to provide accurate and meaningful descriptions that are relevant to canada email lead the image. Including relevant keywords, such as image optimization, in the ALT text can increase its SEO value.

For example, if you have an image demonstrating various image compression techniques, a suitable ALT text could be Image showing various methods of optimizing images for faster loading times.

Using image editing features from

Strikingly for filenames and ALT text

Strikingly offers handy image editing features that allow you to easily optimize your file names and ALT text. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily edit your file names to make them more descriptive and SEO-friendly.

Additionally, Strikingly provides a dedicated section where you can add ALT text to your images. This feature allows you to include relevant keywords and descriptive information in ALT tags, thereby increasing SEO and accessibility.

You can effectively optimize your file names and ALT text without any technical expertise by utilizing Strikingly’s image editing capabilities.

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