This is also the reason why many brands are turning to user-generated content and sharing reviews, testimonials and real-life success stories of their company on their website and social media.
Exmple of how Nica Café uses Google user reviews on its website
3. Beauty attracts more
As with colors, there are also cultural parameters of what we consider beautiful or aesthetic and, according to science, understanding what is beautiful and using it in our marketing strategy can make the difference between success and failure.
According to neuroscience, things that we find aesthetically pleasing work better, as the human brain reacts more positively to these stimuli . This shows that taking care of the visual part is key in a marketing strategy.
The aesthetic part of a brand is especially helpful in capturing the public’s attention and overcoming that great barrier to entry; let’s say it serves to break the ice.
Furthermore, the human reaction to aesthetic things is done at a subconscious level , so we do not have rational control and we are carried away by emotions.
This is why many brands not only work on their design, but also use models to present their products or services. Below you can see this neuromarketing discovery in some real examples
Aesthetically appealing images that telegram number list Nivea uses on its Spanish Instagram account
4. The power of babies in advertising
According to a study conducted by Oxford University, photographs of babies increase activity in the frontal part of the brain , which is associated with emotions. This occurs both in people who have been parents and in those who have not.
Ultimately, human beings have an innate attraction to images of babies, awakening in us feelings such as attention and protection.
Although these studies were not known in
the past and the concept out to suit each individual of neuromarketing had not yet been developed, many advertisers had already realized the power that babies The best free music have on the public. And that is why we find so many babies on old advertising posters
Now we also find them, but it email list in more niche sectors such as those dedicated to fashion, care and children’s leisure. However, there is another curious discovery in this regard: although a baby can be a great resource to attract the public’s attention, according to eye-tracking technology, when the baby looks at the camera there is less chance that the public will read the advertisement. Therefore, it is best to include babies that look away or, better, towards the content that we want the user to read .