The app has both positive and negative aspects

A  it is really nice to know more about the people around you, especially at an event like SXSW. But the negative side of this is that your Facebook profile is sent to strangers without asking. If the app were to break through to the general public, it would undoubtly be a hit for the dating scene , but also for stalkers. Highlight did not become big at SXSW, but at this event there is now such an overkill of information and new apps that that is understandable. Highlight is not an app for an event of the digital vanguard, so who knows how far they will go.

I enjoy being face to face with a number of people

I admire and therefore follow on Twitter during SXSW. There were 40 of the hundrs of s china phone number list peakers to be exact, and I was able to check this out with the app Lanyrd . This app makes it easier to find events that interest you and immiately shows you if someone from your Twitter contacts is going there or speaking. I saw Robert Scoble , Brian Solis, Billy Corgan, Loic Lemuer, Joe Pulizzi, Grace Bonney, Maria Poppova and Guy Kawasaki in action, to name a few. Lanyrd is one of the social-local apps that has just been launch and that  how much to pay for them list of us mobile phone numbers databases  people (including Robert Scoble) think can ‘break through’.

Also check out the Intro app

I which maps who is nearby and interesting to you bas on your LinkIn profile.  Banjo is also fun, this app does it bas on Twitter and Foursquare, but my experience is that this app is often off in terms of distance or timely reporting (three hours after a meeting with a message that the person you just met is near you). In the Netherlands, Foursquare , the textbook example of social-local, is widely us, but other similar apps have also been develop, The app has  for example for the neighborhood. Who helps with which?


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