It was a busy few days, there in Austin Texas. Some sessions are disappointing, because you find out that you already know quite a lot if you follow the international blogs. But it is still good to be there, you meet a lot of people in the business and talking about the sessions and the developments helps you to develop your own vision. One thing is certain according to the speakers and attendees croatia phone number list at SXSW: these are exciting times we live in now. A lot is changing, and it is going fast.
The more time we spend on the internet, the more we (should) think about internet security. In this video I speak with author and entrepreneur Chris Miller about safe internet use for your personal life, your financial and business life and your children. Chris recommends working with three types of social identities that are completely separate from each other: public, private and personal.
Chris gives tips on:
How to best answer security questions (just ‘make up’ a pet’s name for example)
Why you should be careful about falsifying profile information, especially when Next year again! list of us mobile phone numbers databases it comes to young children. If you specify a younger age on Facebook, where the minimum age is 13, that profile is still automatically the art of remarkable ecommerce design: make it personal discoverable
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