At MD Marketing Digital. our most recent projects have a specific goal: to determine objective criteria that indicate that an agency that develops tasks relat. to digital marketing is one of the best . In this way. we seek to generate a solid foundation that really contributes to making inform. decisions .
Instructions for journalists and fans
If you look at our ranking tables on your computer. you can filter each factor from highest to lowest and vice versa by clicking on the icon in new zealand telegram data each column. When you hover over the icon in question. you will be able to see the name of the chosen variable . On your mobile. you can sort the factors in the same way by scrolling and selecting the list. variables.
Methodology of the study
It is often possible to cameroon business directory find rankings that seem to come out of nowhere. as they do not even specify the criteria that were follow when putting them together. Other times. they classify the tablet market will fall by 10% in 2023 agencies bas on irrelevant issues . such as their age. And. in certain cases. the data shown does not match the positions assign .
That is why. at MD Marketing Digital. we decid to come out clean and tell. from start to finish. how we carri out our research .
The various studies carri out compare Latin American and European agencies that offer services relat to digital marketing. These were analyz according to specific variables and objective data . which indicate when a company focus. on web advertising is of quality.
Bas. on their performance in each variable. these agencies are assign. a final score out of a total of 100 points . This serves to prove that they offer a good all-round service . rather than focusing on just one of the many aspects of digital marketing .
Selection of agencies
The starting point of each ranking is to select agencies that carry out digital marketing tasks. both in a general way and for a specific area.
For this purpose. geolocaliz. queries are carri. out in clean search engines . without prior interactions. In this way. the sample is prevent. from being contaminat. with previous data. obtaining a completely objective and bias-free investigation.
These searches serve to ensure that the agencies to be select. meet a fundamental parameter :
[Note to the reader: you can find the explanation of this parameter and the others in the scoring index]
- Positioning for keywords relat. to the area of digital marketing investigat..
For example. the companies includ. in the research on the best SEO agencies in Argentina were those that appear. among the first search results for the keywords “ SEO agency ”. “SEO company” and “web positioning agency”.
Once the agencies to be analyz. have been select.. data and metrics are collect. that are link. to variables that. in our opinion. every agency must meet to be among the best. These are:
- Domain Rating.
- Backlinks.
- Total number of keywords position..
- Website traffic.
- Number of followers on social networks (Link.In. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Pinterest. YouTube and TikTok).
- Social m.ia engagement.
Each variable was assign. a specific value bas. on its importance for digital marketing. taken in a broad sense. This will be us. to calculate the score for the different agencies. as you will see in the next section.
Selecting the scoring system
Deciding on the. Scoring system was not an easy task. Especially since our. Goal was to develop an objective system that could be adapt. to different types of companies involv. in digital marketing.