Finally, the Dutch police have creat a free app. The police can be contact quickly via the app . Photos and videos of serious crimes can also be sent directly to the police. It is also possible to receive updates about Amber Alert, Burgernet and denmark phone number list police news.
Top app Investigation
The StopHeling app , an initiative of the police, the Public Prosecution Service and advertising sites , is intend to make consumers more aware of receiving stolen goods and to emphasise their own role in this. The app enables users to check via the serial number on the internet whether a product has been register as stolen. A similar app is EuroBiljet , introduc by De Nerlandsche Bank on 1 December 2011. By means of security features, this app can distinguish real euro banknotes from counterfeit ones. The app then indicates list of us mobile phone numbers databases what to do if it is possibly a counterfeit banknote.
Top app Enforcement : Euro banknote, because of the perspective for action it offers.
For emergency services, there is a so-call ICE app .A , you as a user can record . In this In Case the smartphone revolution: impacts on commerce and digital marketing your mical data and allergies to micines and/or food. Emergency services can see at a glance who you are, what they ne to take into account during your treatment, who they ne to alert and whether or not you are an organ donor. Another development is the HELP! app. HELP! connects people to help each other in emergency situations. If you raise the alarm via the app, 112 is call and people in the vicinity who have also download the app are alert. To prevent abuse, the helpers are ask afterwards whether the alarm was justifi. If two or more helpers indicate that an alarm was false, the person who report it will receive a warning.