Here are a few ways Strikingly can help with image optimization on your website:
Image Compression – Strikingly automatically compresses
images uploaded to your site to reduce file size without sacrificing quality. This helps pages load faster.
- Responsive Images – Strikingly creates multiple scaled-down versions of images to provide the correct size for job function email database different screen sizes. This avoids serving large images on mobile devices.
- Lazy Loading – Images below the fold are only loaded when the user scrolls down. This speeds up the initial page load.
- Image CDN – Images are served from a global content delivery network, bringing them physically closer to each user for faster loading.
- Image Formats – Strikingly converts images to advanced formats like WebP, if supported by the browser, for smaller file sizes.
- Image Dimensions – Size and dimension attributes are added to images to prevent layout jumps when they load.
Strikingly handles many technical optimizations behind the scenes to ensure images load quickly rd station marketing for black friday: optimizing interactivity and experience without the user having to do anything, resulting in faster loading times and a better experience for site visitors.
Implementing these 7 image optimization tips is key to achieving SEO success. Properly optimized images can significantly improve your website’s loading speed, enhance user experience, and positively impact search engine rankings.
Strikingly plays a key role in simplifying and optimizing images on your website. With its user-friendly interface and built-in features like responsive design options, image editing capabilities, and analytics, Strikingly makes it easy for website owners to implement best practices for image optimization. You can effectively optimize images on your website without compromising on quality or spending excessive time on technical canada email lead aspects with Strikingly’s image optimization features. This allows you to focus on creating engaging content and providing a great user experience.
Now that you’ve gained valuable insights into the importance of image optimization and learned 7 tips for better performance, it’s time to take action. Don’t wait any longer. Take advantage of Strikingly’s image optimization features and optimize your images today for better results tomorrow!