How to work your community on TikTok

When we talk about community in the context of social networks! we refer to the group of people who follow the same account and interact with it! sharing interests and values .

Typically! on social media! the community is generated around influencers and brand accounts that have a well-defined personality. But they can also exist around media accounts or some organization.

For some time now! in the world of digital marketing we have realized that the social media community is a very important element and that brands must work on it. Creating a community has multiple benefits such as increasing the loyalty rate and brand awareness .

It is advisable to create a community on any social network

in which you have a presence. But the strategy to follow in this regard differs on each platform. In this article we want to focus on teaching  america phone number listyou how to generate a community on TikTok . Do you dare to discover the keys?

Tiktok and its new community rules

On all social networks there are so-called “ community standards ”! a set of rules established by the platform to ensure a safe! respectful and pleasant environment for all users. Each and every one of these standards apply to all content and users! without exception.

TikTok is no different! and we advise you to take into account its community rules when creating content on the platform. You can access all of its rules at this address ! but we want to inform you about some of the latest updates that have personalization with the strikingly platform been made in this regard.

On the one hand! according to a statement from April 2024 ! TikTok wanted to offer its users greater transparency regarding its community standards! which is why on its page you can now find more detailed and always up-to-date information on the subject.

The social network is also implementing a policy to

temporarily prevent a creator’s content belize lists from being recommended in the “For You” section if they have repeatedly posted content that goes against the standards of that section. In addition! algorithms are also being implemented to make it more difficult to find it through a search. However! creators will be notified if they find themselves in this situation and can appeal if they consider it to be an error.

Finally! another new feature of TikTok’s community guidelines is that it wants to help creators better understand these rules. To this end! a penalty notice has already been implemented when a creator violates a community rule for the first time . This penalty will not count as part of the account’s penalty history! but the rest will. This notice How to work will indicate which rule has been violated and how it can be appealed. However! if any zero-tolerance policy is violated! the account will be immediately suspended.

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