How to Use the New Marketing Funnel to Your Advantage

You’ve finally adapted the best marketing strategies to your campaign, but why aren’t sales increasing? What’s the problem?

The backbone of a good marketing strategy is an effective marketing funnel. It guides how you, as a marketer, can influence prospects venezuela phone number data to move them from point A to point B. To do this, you need to outdo yourself, as today’s abundance of digital channels has made the buying journey significantly more iterative and complex.

The good news is that the new hourglass marketing funnel is the answer to the new consumer buying behavior. It follows a non-linear process, where the buying cycle never ends, even after conversion.

Let’s explore the stages of the new marketing funnel and the marketing tactics applicable to each phase:

Step 1. Establish your brand authority

What is it? Brand awareness is the black websites convert better? degree to which target consumers are familiar with your brand and its products or services.

Do they know who you are and what you offer? It takes time, effort, and patience to embed your brand in consumers’ buying habits. To do this, you must first let them know you exist:

A pushy, sales-oriented approach can scare and drive away potential customers. What you need to do is offer useful and informative content to gain their trust. Don’t talk about the product in a repetitive way. You can talk about related topics, but never too far from what you offer.

More consumers can discover your bz lists website and its content if you use search engine optimization (SEO). This is a marketing strategy that helps you rank higher in search engine results.

Social media is an effective digital platform to promote your brand. You can also connect with more prospects – the number of social media users will reach 2.77 billion next year.

You can cross-promote your website’s blogs on social media. Use online scheduling tools like Hootsuite to streamline and simplify sharing blog posts across different social media channels.

Step 2. Untie the pain points

What are they? Pain points drive a customer towards a product or service. It is your job and responsibility to identify and address pain points and tailor that information to what you offer. In the new marketing funnel, this stage is called engagement.

Use social media to gain access to insider information for free. You don’t need to spend money to uncover pain points. By connecting to social media networks, you will find consumers who engage, positively or negatively, with brands. You can spy on your competitors by reading comments and reviews, and learn how they address customer pain points.

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