Find out how to set up contextual advertising for your building materials business. Proper use of Yandex Direct will help you find exactly those customers who are already looking for your products. We will share professional secrets of creating an effective advertising campaign that will not only attract potential buyers, but also ensure reasonable spending of the advertising budget with maximum return.
1. Analysis of the target audience
Defining a buyer persona
Before you start setting up an advertising campaign, you need to clearly understand who your client is. Create a portrait of your target audience: gender, age, interests, geography of residence. This will help you decide on targeting and choose the right keywords.
For example, if you sell elite ceramic tiles, your target audience is people with high incomes who are renovating their apartments or houses. But if you have inexpensive building materials in your assortment, then you need to focus on private craftsmen and construction teams.
Researching competitors
See how your competitors set up contextual advertising. Pay attention to the headlines and texts of ads, landing pages. This will give you an understanding of what keywords and USPs other market players use. But don’t blindly copy other people’s techniques – adapt them to your business.
A useful life hack: look for keywords not only in your competitors’ ads, but also on their websites, especially in the “Services” and “Products” sections. There are probably a lot of valuable phrases there that you can use in your advertising.
2. Selection of keywords
Selecting key phrases
Competent selection of keywords is the key to success of contextual advertising. Create a semantic core, including queries of different types:
- Transactional (buy laminate, price of metal tiles)
- Information (how to choose interior doors, insulation of walls from the inside)
- Navigation (siding manufacturer, tile store)
Don’t forget about low-frequency and mid-frequency keywords – they bring little traffic, but are inexpensive and have a high conversion rate. Plus, use different word forms, synonyms and phrases close in meaning to reach more potential buyers.
Negative words
Be sure to work on negative keywords – queries for which your ad should not be shown. Otherwise, your advertising budget will go down the drain due to non-targeted clicks.
Let’s say you only sell wholesale. Then it’s worth adding such phrases as “buy retail”, “small batch”, “piecemeal”, etc. to the minus words. Or if you have elite goods, exclude the words “cheap”, “budget”, “economy”.
3. Creating ads
Rules for writing titles and texts
The ad title should be eye-catching and contain the key phrase. For example: “Paving stones from the manufacturer with a 10% discount” or “High-quality ceramic tiles in stock”. In the text, reveal your USP: low prices, large selection, fast delivery, quality guarantee. And be sure to call to action.
Also mention your advantages that distinguish you from competitors. Free 3D design, prompt delivery, experienced consultants – these are the things that can tip the choice in your favor.
Quick links
Use quick links to increase the clickability poland email list of your ads. These are additional links that lead to specific sections of the site:
- Product Catalog
- Price list
- Delivery and payment
- Contacts
Quick links allow you to direct the user directly to the desired page and save their time. And the easier and more convenient it is for the client to interact betting email list with your site, the higher the probability of a purchase.
4. Setting up campaign parameters
Selecting a display strategy
Yandex Direct has different strategies for displaying ads – by clicks, by conversions, by goal in Yandex Metrica. If you have an online store of building materials, it makes sense to set up payment for conversions – registration or purchase. If you how many times do we find ourselves talking to agents advertise wholesale supplies – select “Clicks: maximum clicks” to attract more visitors to the site.
Whatever strategy you choose, don’t forget to analyze the results and adjust the settings. Disable ineffective keywords, increase the rates on the most converting phrases.