How to Create a Personal Brand

To do this, you need to formulate what exactly you will be doing, so that you can base your promotion strategy on this. If you are a professional translator from English and German and want to do tutoring, you need to define the language and direction of your services, for example, conversational German.

Identifying the winning aspects

At this stage, it is worth highlighting the buy phone number list main and additional advantages. The main ones are those that are directly related to your type of activity. Additional ones are hobbies and useful skills: something that will help you impress your competitors.

Setting a goal . It is important to answer the question not “how to develop a personal brand”, but “for what purpose should this be done”. The goals may vary – from increasing the number of subscribers to increasing the cost of services. It is desirable that the goal be measurable, for example, a price tag of 20,000 rubles for the service provided.

Defining the target audience . It is important to understand who your actual and potential clients are. Remember them, think about what request they made and what solution you offered them. If necessary, divide the target audience into groups based on gender, age, social status, and possibly character.

It becomes easier for an expert to “get into the flow” of a request if he selects an audience that matches his in terms of values ​​and interests.

It is also important to use your own personality traits to promote your personal brand: emotionality, speed of speech, gentleness, toughness. This will be an excellent applied tool for establishing contact.

Assess your own resources

You must understand what resources you have to build a personal brand:

Competitor Analysis : When analyzing your competitors, find answers to the following questions.

  • What channels are they promoted through?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do they place emphasis in communication with the audience?
  • What useful things can you learn from their experience?
  • What areas do you need to work on to compete with them?

Positioning : You need to decide what messages you will promote as part of your personal brand.

Messages can be rational (using logical argumentation as support) and emotional (with an emphasis on the feelings and sensations of the target audience). A motto or slogan that will affect the rational or emotional spheres can also help in transmitting brand messages.

Development of a visual component . Corporate identity and logo are the basis for developing a visual. The purpose of a personal logo is to demonstrate the essence and uniqueness of the service offered. Corporate identity is a palette of primary and secondary shades. Create a Personal Brand font format. It is by these distinctive features that potential or actual clients will recognize you in various promotion channels. Business cards and even a specialist’s personal account are often designed in this format.

Also, if a brand has a name and an original slogan, it can be registered as a trademark so that competitors cannot use them.

Creating a guideline and media

A guideline is a regulation within europe email which the logo and corporate style are used. Media are elements demonstrating the corporate style: design of social media accounts, website design, business cards, type of electronic signature.

Design of cases . Cases are requests that clients approached you with, these are your professional achievements within the framework of the services provided. They need to be designed taking into account the style described in the guideline and key messages.

For example, a vocal teacher, when describing a case. Create a Personal Brand can talk about the first lesson with a client, show the first recordings with him (if he doesn’t mind), explain what problems and how they worked on them, and provide the results in the form of new recordings.

A well-formulated case will facilitate the influx of new clients and increase the cost of the services offered.

Creating a commercial proposal

Depending on the field of activity, a commercial proposal can be presented in the format of a large presentation, a landing page, and in many other ways.

Formation of your own style . Here it is worth paying attention to clothes, attributes – external distinctive features. A stylist can help in this matter.

Working on body language . When creating a personal brand, the tone of voice, its tempo, facial expressions, and gestures are important. The main thing is that the image being conveyed matches the inner appearance. You can assess your own Create a Personal Brand persuasiveness by recording your speech on video.

Design of the workspace. The office of a personal brand representative should correspond to the declared corporate style. Sensible recommendations of an interior designer will help to create a harmonious space.

It is desirable that some interior details emphasize the character of the person. This will help find clients on the same wavelength as you.

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