Mobile learning or m-learning is a methodology that uses mobile devices and tablets to facilitate access to educational content, thus making learning possible at any time and place. It is a methodology whose objective is to achieve a better use of time thanks to the connectivity and accessibility that current devices allow. In addition, through these interactive platforms, mobile marketing strategies can be carried out to promote and distribute educational content.
Importance of mobile learning in modern education
Mobile learning arises as a response to europe cell phone number list the needs of today’s society, which is tremendously digitalized. But, in addition, it arises as a response to the need to find much more immersive, personalized, flexible and accessible learning methods . It is, therefore, a methodology that focuses on both what is learned and how it is learned , turning studying into a much more enjoyable and interactive activity.
Furthermore, and returning to the topic of digitalization of today’s world, through this methodology, students are better prepared to understand and face the challenges posed by the digital divide and data security . Another reason why m-learning is important in modern education and in today’s society.
Benefits offered
Mobile learning has numerous easy on the wallet advantages, two of which are its flexibility and accessibility , since the user only needs a device capable of connecting to the Internet to access the content. By allowing the learning process to be carried out at any time and place, it is fully adapted to different lifestyles and study rhythms, thus mobile learning promoting autonomy and self-learning .
It is also worth noting that through m-learning, studying can become something completely enjoyable, since, by incorporating multimedia elements and resources, the learning process is much more interactive and attractive for the user . It can even be used as a complementary element to the traditional method, since it email list both are completely compatible.
Another benefit of mobile learning is that the
is easily adaptable to the needs and pace of the student, which is why it is considered much more customizable than other methods . In addition, it improves communication between students and teachers , eliminating geographical or infrastructure limitations. It is even much easier to track the progress of students in real time, and they can also stay up to date with new resources, content, calendar updates, etc. provided by the teaching staff.