A long time and there is much to learn from

Almost every two weeks I sit with my colleague Vasilis van Gemert in his Mercedes, on the way to the car wash. That is our excuse to talk about content. We have quite an opinion about this. Also about online content marketing . In those conversations I sometimes come to the conclusion that people often create content for the wrong reason. That leads to failure in the execution. Result: a series canada phone number list  of unrelated trifles, a polluted internet and no ‘return on investment’.

Be relevant and the rest will follow?

So something needs to happen. We need to create content with inherent value, just like in the rest of the content world, so relevant, useful and inspiring. You would be willing to pay for it, even if it is free. One way to become relevant online is to create content that moves your target group. If you create beautiful content, people will like you. If people like you, they might also buy your products. Creating good content is a profession, a long-term game and often a deep investment. It has a completely different tension arc than campaigns and the ‘return on investment’ often comes much later .

Plenty of examples

A success factor for creating content is a clear idea about the role of the content and the ‘hooks’ with which money will be made. If you do not have a clear plan about the value of your content (which is not the marketing plan by the way), the content production will lose focus. Then you are actually burning money.

Fortunately, people have been creating content for  that. When creating magazines, for example, as in other sectors, craftsmanship, passion for content and a portion of entrepreneurship are needed. The publisher defines a target group based on a concept and business plan and pours the content into an attractive ‘format’, so that the magazine sells like hotcakes. Such a  list of us mobile phone numbers databases format can be a glossy with a folded-navel section, or a free daily newspaper, whatever is needed to reach the right target group.

You want to make money and you do that by attracting readers.  A  beautiful  advanced content strategies for online stores in 2024 content that makes people happy: sales merchandise . A long time and  In principle, there is no branding, product placement or foreword from the director in that.

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