If you haven’t defined your specific objective yet


During planning, your objectives must be defined . This can be seen according to the strategies adopted in your company and your goals.

Each company has its own goals. Some want to specific objective yet sell products, services or even be recognized as market leaders. However, there are australia phone number data some common goals that are worked on on social media. They are:

  • Attract audience to your website;
  • Strengthen your brand;
  • Build loyalty among your followers ;
  • Sell;
  • Generate leads;
  • Educate your consumer.

Choose from one of the above to guide your social media strategy.

3. Metrics

Social media that doesn’t analyze its numbers is specific objective yet completely lost. Therefore, you need to define key indicators, known as KPIs, Key Performance Indicators . In other words, the metrics that are valuable for achieving your goals.

For example, you want to increase your number this metric identifies content types of leads. Therefore, the number of engagements is not that important. However, it is not enough to have a lot of likes on your social networks if your audience does not click on the links that will take them to your blog. There is no advantage in having a lot of followers if your real focus is not achieved.

Therefore, attract your audience through your specific objective yet social networks to get to know your website or blog. Therefore, think about your objective and not just the likes themselves, before defining the metrics you want to track.

Take advantage and download our KPI spreadsheet to monitor the performance of your business and your digital strategies. It’s free!

4. Create your editorial calendar

Having an editorial calendar is essential cell phone number for excellent social media management. This is a basic resource that will help you guide your posts.

In short, he needs:

  • Publication themes;
  • Dates and times you want to publish;
  • And the publishing channels.

In addition to the data above, you can complete specific objective yet your calendar with other information that you consider relevant. Our editorial calendar template, for example, has space for each stage of the purchase journey, persona, author, publication KPIs and other information. Download it now to learn more and use it to manage your social networks.

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