How long does it take for an Inbound Marketing strategy to yield results?

Implementing an Inbound Marketing strategy that offers valuable content and takes into account the expectations of buyer personas is the best way to attract prospects and convert them into customers and promoters of your organization.

Despite the benefits it brings, one of the most common questions companies ask is how long it takes for this marketing methodology to show results . In this article, we not only clear up this doubt, but we also tell you what actions an agency specialized in this type of marketing carries out.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Before telling you how long it takes for this strategy to show gambling data malaysia results, it is necessary to explain in detail what Inbound Marketing is .

This is an approach that aims to boost organizational growth by creating meaningful, long-lasting relationships with prospects and customers. How do you build these relationships? By offering users and leads valuable content aimed at solving their real problems.

Unlike outbound marketing

Which focuses on the product or service, builds and sends 13 customer service skills to make a positive impression on your customers non-segmented messages, does not interact with the public or take into account the phase of the journey in which each buyer is – Inbound Marketing focuses on the customer, takes advantage of digital channels to speak to the public based on data about the audience’s tastes and behaviors, encourages two-way communication and creates differentiated content for each phase of the customer journey.

Since it puts users at the center, Inbound Marketing is based on 3 different phases of the Customer-Based Cycle , also known as flywheel .


This stage seeks to capture the attention of the right people whatsapp filter with valuable content , as well as generate conversations that consolidate the organization’s position as a reference in a certain field or topic.


During this phase , information and, mainly, solutions are provided to the pain points of the buyer persona , taking into account their needs, expectations and objectives. By doing so, the probability of consumers purchasing the company’s products and services increases significantly.


The last step of the flywheel is to provide help and tools so that customers not only make a first purchase, but also continue to consume the company’s products and services. Therefore, it is essential to keep them satisfied by providing them with useful and interesting information.

Providing valuable elements that help consumers achieve their goals at all stages of the customer journey sparks the interest of prospects and encourages customers to become brand promoters, creating a loop that automatically feeds and empowers the organization. That is why the Inbound Marketing methodology works as a pillar of the customer-based cycle.


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