What is web usability and why is it essential for your project?
I’m not going to lie to you, web usability is basically the most underrated part of online marketing.
It is one of the actions/strategies from which you can expect the highest return, and yet the vast majority of projects and companies do absolutely nothing about it.
To shed some light on this topic
I have put together this article in three parts: first, we will see what web usability is , then, what the general guidelines are and finally, why it is so important.
web usability emerged with the first graphical applications for computers because, as there were no written standards, designers and programmers did things experimentally and, of course, the result was not “entirely good”.
Things have become much more complicated today, but I’m not going to get ahead of myself, let’s take things step by step.
Let’s look at the classic definitions of web usability below :
the first one i want to give you is the most formal of all, and philippines phone number library no, it is not from wikipedia, it comes from the international standard iso 9241-11 and says that:
“usability refers to the degree to which a product online marketing trends question 7 can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction given a specific context of use.”
on the other hand, wikipedia says that:
“usability refers to the ease with which people can ch leads use a particular tool or other human-made object to achieve a particular goal. Usability can also refer to the study of the principles behind the perceived effectiveness of an object.