9 Important Things You Need to Do After Publishing

You know, blogging is so cheesy..

After you’ve finished working hard on publishing the best blog articles for your readers, surely you can’t wait to move on to the next topic, right?

I know that time is golden and you still have many more posts to write and outline content to produce.

But wait a moment…

Before this I wrote a checklist before publishing articles , so today I will help you double the potential of your articles with 9 tactics that you must make after publishing articles.

There are other things that you have to do after publishing the article

God willing, this will ensure that your article gets Phone Number List to the right people after it is published to the public.

1. Read back and reproduce
I’m sure you have taken the time to proofread your article before publishing, but believe me that you will definitely miss something.

Sometimes it is not related to spelling/grammar errors, but the verses that are written still don’t reach their true meaning.

Maybe it just doesn’t suit your style all along. Or there are inaccurate facts.

Maybe your header still lacks ‘punch’ .

We must fix this matter.

Reading aloud helps you detect these imperfections.

No matter how well you promote your article, if your article is full of errors, then you will lose credibility.

Connect with old posts This method is like crossing two eyes White people say

Phone Number List

If you produce a lot of evergreen content that gets China Phone Numbers links and shares over time, then you can use these old posts to drive traffic to new posts.

Check back for your most popular posts and look for ways to include links to recently published posts.

Why is this matter so important?

This method not only increases the amount of traffic, it will:

improve the structure of your blog.
Strengthen the overall authority of your blog’s inner pages.
influence seo to the latest articles
In short, it will create a strong SEO framework for your blog right

I have provided a complete guide to building deep links the right way.

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