Neuromarketing is the discipline that combines neuroscience and marketing to better understand the consumer’s mind and what motivates their purchasing decisions. This allows companies to be more objective in their marketing actions and to develop more effective strategies, leaving aside subjectivity and individual preconception.
In this article we want you to understand neuromarketing in a practical way by showing you some real examples. Each of them is an example of a marketing strategy based on neuromarketing and has its reason for being and effectiveness in how the public’s mind works. We encourage you to put many of them into practice in your company and see their effects on your results. Let’s go!
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1. The psychology of color
This field of study within neuroscience focuses on analyzing how humans perceive colors, what each color makes them feel, and how they act according to the one they see.
Although how we perceive colours can be subjective and unique to each person, common patterns have been detected, especially within each culture . In the West, for example, the colour white represents something pure and innocent and also evokes peace and cleanliness. However, in African cultures it is the colour of death. Therefore, when our company is international we must adapt the brand image to each context lead capture form builders for? 10 powerful example with the aim of attracting that culture.
Pink is associated with sweetness and delicacy, and our culture associates it with femininity. This is possibly why we find many dating sites that use this color as the main tone of their logo, since one of their main objectives is to attract women.
The lesson we learn from color psychology in marketing is that you should use colors that are related to what you sell or that evoke what you want to provoke in the user.
Examples of pink logos: color associated with femininity
2. Conformity bias
This phenomenon indicates the human tendency to think in the way the group thinks rather than for themselves . We tend it email list to conform to the beliefs of the groups we belong to. For this same reason, seeing others try a product and are satisfied makes us feel more confident when making the purchase decision.